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  • Writer's pictureTiffany Chen


As an average person on TikTok, we enjoy the benefits of consuming content that peaks our interest and speaks to us.

The aesthetically curated 30s morning routines, inspirational “what I eat in a day” videos, creative product reviews, colorful ads featuring attractive models and influencers, and rapid outfit changes that match up perfectly to the beat of a song— we watch the 30s videos, like/comment, or save it, and scroll past it for more content.

But how much work goes into making each of these seamless TikToks? Influencers often face hate and scrutiny online for earning a large income from “doing nothing”, when many are unaware of the amount of work, effort, and dedication put into making influencer content.


Rachel Cohen, an HR and Recruiting Coordinator at the TikTok management agency Collab Inc, says being an influencer is a full-time job.

“I think a lot of people have this perception that it’s effortless, it’s easy, and that it is a tangible and viable career path—that’s just not the case anymore. There’s so much work that goes into this and making it....the planning aspect—the creators are doing this all day.”

Yet, a quick search about “tips on how to grow on TikTok”, “how to become an influencer”, or “why you should become a full-time content creator” on TikTok will result in millions of videos on TikTok.

In each video, influencers and content creators give advice and tips on how to generate content that attracts viewers and followers, arguing that “anyone can become an influencer.”

Through their passionate delivery and persuading tone, all of them guarantee that their tips are effective and will work— promising you that it is very likely to wake up to your videos going viral.

After seeing thousands of these “advice” videos on becoming an influencer on my “for you” page— I wonder to myself... is it really that easy to make content for a living? And if it is as simple as these influencers make it sound, why isn’t everyone doing it instead of working a 9 to 5?

Cohen says two of the biggest challenges for influencers are keeping up with the trends on TikTok and posting frequently.

“Trends evolve at quite a break-neck pace, and to some degree your relevance is keeping up with those trends. If I had to give another tip, it would be to make sure you’re posting content consistently.”- Rachel Cohen

I decided to compile a list of tips influencers give on producing quality content and growing on TikTok, and put them to the test myself. The end goal is not to see if my TikToks will end up going viral, but rather to experience and critique the process of “creating” and “posting” TikToks as an influencer.


1. Find a niche that hasn’t been fulfilled yet- @ claireliz_

2. Post 2-3 times a day- @digitaldarlenne

3. Leverage making series on Tiktok - @jacksonstips

4. Use a trending sound, catchy title, and trending hashtag- @allhailmedia

5. Be aware of the latest Tiktok algorithm- @coach.stone

6. Make videos that answer the public’s questions (answers that are in demand)- @secretsocialari

7. Engage with followers and comments on your page- @itxmejules

8. Pattern interrupt tip – switching up your normal video background, angle, sounds...etc to surprise your viewers- @joshmarketer

The perfect opportunity for me to try making a TikTok as a fashion influencer came when my package from I.AM.GIA— an Australian clothing brand, came in the mail.

I am a huge fan of watching clothing hauls on TikTok, so I tried making one myself by showing viewers what I purchased: a tan tank top, faded low rise jeans, burgundy leather pants, and a black sequins skirt.

Although the TikTok was only 27s in length, it took me a total of 40 minutes to try on the clothes, film (and re-film) the videos, edit the tiktok (add text and graphics) and post it online— this was my first time filming a mini haul but it is definitely not as easy as it seems!


Being an influencer and content creator seems glamorous and fun on the outside, but just like any job, it takes hard work, dedication, and strategy to succeed.

Cohen summarizes this perfectly in our interview:

“They make that process of content creation and flow look so easy and effortless, but I think behind the scenes there is a lot of strategy, into virality and becoming big, and planning. So, I would say, it’s possible for anyone, but there’s definitely a lot of thought that goes into it.”
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